The Original 13th amendment The TRUE history of the Titles of Nobility and Honor amendment |
any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain
any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress,
accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind
whatsoever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person
shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable
of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them".
The following Three Certified letters are based on the fact that Connecticut, being the 13th state, ratified the Original 13th amendment on May 13th 1813 therein making it a part of the Constitution. These letters are in the possession of the National Archives and Records Administration. The 198-page research report proving the foregoing to be true and correct can be downloaded in pdf form at: |
Circular to the Foreign Ministers
Ralph B Forleu
Department of State
Charles N. Buck, Philadelphia 2 Dec. 1817 Sir, I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 28th of last month, requesting that the exequatur which was forwarded to you some time ago from this office as the consul general in the United States of the Imperial city of Hamburg, might be sent back, if it should be the opinion of this government that the acceptance on your part of the commission under which it was granted did not interfere with your citizenship. It is the opinion of the executive that under the 13th amendment to the Constitution by the acceptance of such an appointment from any foreign government a citizen of the United States ceases to enjoy that character, and becomes incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under the United States or either of them. It has therefore been determined to retain the exequatur in question at this office, subject, however, to your own wishes upon the subject. J.Q.A |
My Petition to Congress
August 9, 2024 RE: Petition the House of Representatives Dear Congresswoman Barbara Lee: Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, I have the right to petition Congress for a redress of grievances. I herein choose to exercise that right. Specifically, "Based on the Certified evidence presented in the Research Book entitled "Hocus Pocus the art of deception", Congress must recognize that the Titles of Nobility and Honor amendment was ratified by 13 states on May 13, 1813, and announced in writing by the federal government as a lawful and operating part of the Constitution on January 12, 1814. Further, Congress must acknowledge that the amendment was unlawfully removed from the Constitution by State and Federal fraud in January of 1818 and restore it as a lawful and operating part of the Constitution of the United States". You can download the report in pdf format at: Historical and
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Stanley Ivan Evans, Oakland, CA August 4 2024
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